50 years
of ministry
Impact was birthed in 1971 out of the salvation, healing and deliverance ministries of Bill Banks and Frank Hammond, to record the miraculous move of God and to encourage others to seek the fullness of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Derek Prince was instrumental in both men's lives, and the Banks and Hammonds ministered with Derek at various meetings. Since its founding, Impact has worked alongside many in the revival movement, including Kathryn Kuhlman, Francis MacNutt, Win Worley, Peggy Joyce Ruth, Don Basham, Micah Bell and others.
Almost daily, people came to Impact to seek the Lord for their needs. Miraculous healing began in 1972 and continued all the way through the 2000s. We encountered blind eyes and deaf ears being opened, limbs being restored, tumors removed, AIDS healed, and even cases of people raised back to life.
But beyond the call to the healing ministry, Bill Banks was ushered into the deliverance ministry in the early 1970s, and was called to follow the pattern of Jesus to set the captives free. He has recorded testimonies and revelations from these ministries in a number of books and teachings.
Feel free to download or listen to our story by clicking the image to the left, or by visiting the Youtube channel below.