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Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties

Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties

Are you in bondage to a person? Does someone manipulate you? Are you easily controlled, dominated? Are you tormented by thoughts of a former lover? 

Today's world has conditioned us to give our soul to another without thought of the long-term consequences. Many are tired and weary from heartbreak, and from living under the power of the demonic. God desires to restore our souls that we might be able to seek Him with our whole spirit, soul and body.


This book offers powerful help to being set free from unnatural bondages (or soul ties) to people, places, and things, such as ex-lovers, people around you who practice manipulation, and others. You will learn more about the characteristics of a Godly relationship and an Ungodly Relationship. You will find prayers you can pray yourself for deliverance from soul ties and curses, as well as testimonies of people who have been set free!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I - The Soul & Its Function Chapter II - Soul Ties, Both Godly & Ungodly Chapter III - Harmful Adult Soul Ties Through Choices We Make Chapter IV - Side Effects of Unhealthy Soul Ties Chapter V - The Cure: Breaking Soul Ties Chapter VI - Preventing Further Harmful Soul Ties, and more!

Find prayers to break unhealthy Soul Ties!

  • Paperback
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