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Forgiving Others: The Key To Healing & Deliverance

Forgiving Others: The Key To Healing & Deliverance

We cannot fully grasp the high cost of unforgiveness towards others and the consequence it has on our daily walk with Jesus.


Our refusal to forgive others:

  •  Robs us of God’s forgiveness (Matt. 6:15, Mark 11:25, Luke 6:37)
  •  Shuts God’s ears to our prayers  (Mark 11:24–25)
  •  Gives Satan an advantage over us (2 Cor. 2:10–11)
  •  Binds us to the one we despise ( we just can’t get them out of our heads, right?)


Every follower of Jesus needs to purge this poison from their soul.
In this short book, Frank Hammond walks us through the steps to be made whole and right with the Most High God. There is hope!


When we remember all that we have been given and forgiven by Jesus our Saviour, we can fill our lives with thankfulness and gratitude towards the work of the Cross. This is healthy. Filling our souls with resentment and bitterness is not healthy; it can cause emotional, mental and even physical sickness.  


The King of Heaven longs to reach down and heal the wounds of our hearts; He seeks to restore our minds to a place of peace, stability and strength. The way to unlock this intense healing is through a genuine, heartfelt cleansing of our feelings towards others. The power, the might and the majesty of the Holy Spirit will conquer any wall we have built around our hearts, if we let Him do His healing work and “heal the brokenhearted.” Heaven takes great delight in seeing us set free!

  • We have two choices in dealing with offenses. We can apply either law or grace. The law advocates an eye for an eye: doing to others as they do to us and returning evil for evil. Grace, on the other hand, returns good for evil and blesses those who curse us. Cursing those who curse us is an example of the law approach. Blessing those who curse us is an example of the grace approach. In Christ, we are no longer to be governed by law but by grace.

    What difference does it make whether we react to hurts with law or grace? It makes a vast difference. If we respond with reprisals, then we give place to the devil and are brought into bondage. When we respond in grace, then we have favor with God: we merit His blessings.

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