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Prophetic Guide to the End Times

Prophetic Guide to the End Times

Facing the Future without Fear

The Bible reveals what is going to happen in the last days. Are you ready to read between the lines?

When we consider that at least one-quarter of God's written Word is predictive prophecy, notes Derek Prince, we are drawn to its pages with new vision - and great anticipation. Through grounded, scholarly, optimistic and personal insights, this trusted Bible teacher will help you gain new understanding about what to expect as time draws to a close.

Topics include:
• God's promise for Israel
• Signs in the heavens
• The Antichrist
• The gathering of the chosen ones
• The Great Tribulation
• And much more!

Even though God's "secret things" remain hidden, believers can study and act on the "revealed things" as He makes them known. Discover how acting on these assures our preservation and ultimate victory - and allows the Church to complete our mission to bring about the final sign of the end.

  • Paperback
  • 9780800794453

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