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The Breaking of Curses

The Breaking of Curses

God has made provision through the cross for us break curses and to move into blessing.

The Bible refers to curses over 230 times, and 70 sins that cause curses are put forth in Scripture. The key to understand their power is to know that behind every curse there is a demon with some legal right to enact the curse.

The opposite of curse is blessing. Each person chooses for himself (or herself) whether he is to be cursed or blessed, for God says "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life!"
Frank Hammond explains what curses are, and how to deliver yourself and your family from them. Discover the eight spiritual laws that govern curses, and take the nine spiritual steps that lead from curse to blessing! Learn how you may deliver yourself and your family from the effects of curses.

Learn how curses are as real today as in Biblical times, in terms of Generational Curses, Personal Curses, Accursed Things, Word Curses, Authority Curses, Witchcraft Curses, Laws Governing Curses, and most importantly, Steps To Breaking Curses.


Also, read testimonies of people set free from curses throughout the book.

  • Paperback
  • 9780892281091
$10.95 Regular Price
$9.95Sale Price
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